Discover the enchanting world of Ragamuffin cats, known for their charm and quirks


Felines of the Ragamuffin persuasion are highly favoured by those who hold cats in high esteem, primarily due to their amiable and fond temperament, which is characteristic of this breed. The Ragamuffin cat breed type is closely related to the Ragdoll variant and exhibits many similar physical and temperamental traits as its well-known kin. However, the Ragamuffin type flaunts several one-of-a-kind qualities that set it apart from the Ragdoll variety and add to its standing as a distinct and admired breed in its own right.

In this article, we shall closely examine the lineage of the Ragamuffin feline breed, along with its corporeal appearance, persona, and necessities for its health and well-being. We shall delve deeply into what separates the Raggamuffin cat breed from others and what earns them admiration and devotion from cat enthusiasts worldwide.

History of Ragamuffin Cat Breed

It was in the 1990s when the Ragamuffin cat breed was developed in the United States. A group of breeders set out to create a feline even more submissive and cuddly than the Ragdoll, therefore they developed this offshoot breed.

Because of its resemblance to Ann Baker’s Ragdoll, the breed was given the moniker “Ragamuffin” in the 1960s. Baker was convinced that her feline companions have magical powers, so she devised a rigorous breeding program to create the ideal feline. In the 1970s, the Ragdoll cat breed achieved widespread acceptance and became a popular household pet.

The Ragamuffin is a hybrid cat that was created by crossing Ragdolls with other long-haired breeds like Persians and Himalayans. The purpose was to breed a cat with the placid nature of Ragdolls but with a plusher, broader coat. In 2003, the breed gained official recognition from the International Cat Association (TICA).

Source: World Cat Finder

Physical Traits of Ragamuffin Cat Breed

The male Ragamuffin cat can weigh up to 20 pounds on average, which is not surprising given the breed’s reputation for size. Males can grow to be as heavy as 30 pounds, while females average 12 to 15 pounds when fully grown. Due in significant part to their massive build, the heaviest ragamuffin cats that have ever been documented weighed in at under 20 pounds.

Their fur makes them appear heavier than they actually are, and the feel of both adult cats and kittens is incredibly fluffy and silky. The Ragamuffin is characterized by a long, thick coat that is extremely velvety and silky to the touch. Many colors and patterns are present in their fur, from solid to pointed to bicolor to tortoiseshell. Their coats need regular grooming to avoid matting and tangling since their fur is so dense.

Huge and expressive, the ragamuffins’ eyes range in color from blue and green to gold and copper. The almond shape of their eyes and the little angle at which they are positioned give them a warm and welcoming appearance.

Temperament Evaluation of Ragamuffin Cat Breed

Ragamuffin cats have friendly, relaxed demeanors. Calm, kind, and loving, they make wonderful pets for families, the elderly, and anyone else looking for a devoted and friendly feline friend. Ragamuffins are well-known for their friendly, outgoing nature and the fact that they adore being at their owners’ sides. They aren’t the shy, withdrawn type, but rather those that actively seek out human companionship and take pleasure in being in it. They have a stellar reputation for getting along with everyone in the household, including youngsters and other animals.

While most ragamuffins aren’t the most active bunch, it doesn’t mean they don’t love a good game of catch or a good interactive toy. They are flexible and can adjust to many different environments, such as smaller homes or apartments. In general, Ragamuffins are a sociable and loving breed that makes a wonderful pet for anyone looking for a low-maintenance feline friend.

Source: Large House Cats

Ragamuffin Cat Breed’s General Health

Ragamuffins are among the healthiest of all cat breeds. There are no known breed-specific health issues. Nonetheless, some purebred issues are still diagnosable in your pet. Ragamuffins may be at risk for polycystic kidney disease and cardiomyopathy (PKD).

In cats, cardiomyopathy is the most frequent heart condition. The condition results from the thickening of cardiac muscle. Breathing difficulties, nausea, loss of appetite, and general weakness (especially in the hind limbs) are all symptoms. Your cat’s prognosis will determine the course of treatment. It usually entails the use of pharmaceuticals.

Ragamuffins have probably inherited PKD from their Persian forebears. Kidney failure is a possible long-term outcome. Because this ailment can be fatal, it is important to have your veterinarian check on your cat on a frequent basis.

Ragamuffins, generally speaking, are healthy cats, but some issues are shared with other breeds. By adopting preventative measures and scheduling regular checkups with your vet, you can ensure your Ragamuffin lives a long, healthy, and joyful life.


Ragamuffin cats, with their captivating appearance, enchanting personality, and versatile disposition, are undoubtedly an exceptional breed. Thanks to their affectionate and friendly temperament, they make an ideal addition to households with children and other furry friends. Additionally, after they have learned to tolerate their grooming routine, they require minimal maintenance compared to other long-haired breeds. Hence, if you are searching for a pet that will provide you with years of unwavering love and companionship, a Ragamuffin cat is an excellent choice.

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Are Ragamuffin cats hypoallergenic?

No, Ragamuffin cats are not hypoallergenic.

How long do ragamuffins live?

Ragamuffin cats have a relatively long lifespan for a domestic cat breed, typically living between 12 and 16 years.

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