Effortless Cleaning: How to Spruce Up a Cat Water Fountain Like a Pro


Cat Water Fountain
Source: Etsy

We all want the best for our pets, and that includes clean water. A cat water fountain is a simple and attractive way to give our cats clean, circulating water to stay hydrated. However, filth, bacteria, and debris can build up in these fountains, potentially endangering our dogs. We’ll explore simple ways to clean and maintain your cat’s water fountain in this article. Implementing these tips into your daily routine will guarantee that your cat always has clean and safe drinking water. Let’s discuss how to clean a cat water fountain and keep our furry friends happy and healthy.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning of Cat Water Fountain

Before beginning the cleaning process, it is critical to understand why your cat water fountain needs routine maintenance.


Bacteria, mold, and debris have the potential to grow and spread over time in the water fountain. Your cat will only consume clean and risk-free water if you clean the water bowl on a regular basis and avoid the growth of hazardous bacteria.

Optimal Performance

A well-maintained water fountain operates more effectively, ensuring a constant flow of water while minimizing the risk of jams and other obstructions. This guarantees that your cat has unrestricted access to clean water that is always moving through the bowl.

Gather Your Supplies

Gather all of the cleaning supplies you will need before beginning the process of cleaning cat water fountain in order to have a session that is both comprehensive and productive.

Dish Soap

When it comes to cleaning your cat’s water fountain, it’s essential to choose the right cleaning solution. Opt for a mild and cat-safe dish soap or consider using a specialized pet fountain cleaning solution. Avoid using harsh chemicals or detergents that could potentially harm your cat. By selecting gentle cleaning agents, you can ensure that your cat’s water fountain remains clean and safe for its use.

Cleaning Brushes

It’s critical to have the correct tools on hand while cleaning your cat water fountain. Look for a collection of cleaning brushes in a variety of sizes and shapes to help you reach all of the fountain’s nooks and crannies. To avoid scratching or harming the fountain’s surfaces, use brushes with soft bristles. You can assure a thorough and gentle cleaning of your cat’s water fountain with the correct set of brushes.


Vinegar can safely clean your cat’s water fountain. It removes mineral deposits and disinfects surfaces in household cleaning solutions. Vinegar is a safe cleaning solution for cats. Vinegar cleans. Gentle and effective, it keeps your cat’s water fountain clean and safe.

Clean Towels

A stack of clean towels or paper towels is required to dry your cat water fountain after cleaning. This step is critical to prevent any lingering moisture or dampness from causing the formation of bacteria or mold. Maintain a clean and sanitary environment for your cat’s drinking water by thoroughly drying the fountain. So, get those towels ready to thoroughly dry the fountain before refilling it for your animal buddy.

Step-by-Step Cleaning Process

Unplug and Disassemble the Fountain

Safety should be your top priority when cleaning your cat’s water fountain. Before cleaning the fountain, disconnect it. This step matters. This eliminates the risk of an electrical accident when working on it. Additionally, carefully disassemble the fountain’s components per the manufacturer’s directions. These components include the pump, water reservoir, and filters. This step ensures that no debris or pollutants are overlooked by thoroughly cleaning each part. If you disassemble the fountain properly and follow these safety procedures, you can clean the fountain safely and effectively.

Empty the Water

Before beginning the cleaning process, make sure to dump any residual water from the water fountain’s reservoir. This ensures that you’re starting from scratch and can fully clean all of the components. If your fountain has a filter, now is the time to remove it. Taking the filter out enables for easy cleaning of both the filter and the reservoir. By emptying the water and removing the filter, you’re preparing your cat’s water fountain for a thorough cleaning.

Rinse the Components

Now it’s time to give all the components of the water fountain a good rinse under running water. Make sure to thoroughly rinse each part to remove any visible debris or particles that may have accumulated. This initial rinse is an important step to prepare the fountain for a more thorough cleaning. By rinsing off the visible dirt and grime, you’re laying the foundation for a deep and effective cleaning process. So, take your time and give each component a proper rinse to ensure a fresh and clean water fountain for your furry friend.

Clean with Soap and Water

Clean the water fountain’s parts now. Fill a sink or basin with warm water and a little dish soap or pet fountain cleaner. Keep the water warm but not hot. Soak the parts in soapy water for a few minutes to remove dirt and grime.

After soaking, scrape with your cleaning brushes. Avoid scratching the fountain by using soft bristle brushes. Dirt and debris collect in nooks, corners, and the pump housing. Scrub them to clean them thoroughly.

Clean slowly and thoroughly. Clean the fountain’s hard-to-reach parts and dirt. Using soapy water and your cleaning brushes, you’ll clean the water fountain’s every crevice and remove any filth or bacteria.

After washing, rinse each part with clean water to remove soap residue. This procedure is necessary to clean and disinfect your cat’s water fountain.

Remove Mineral Deposits with Vinegar

Don’t worry if your fountain has mineral deposits or hard water stains. They’re easy to fix. Cleaning solution: equal parts water and vinegar. This natural treatment dissolves mineral buildup and tenacious stains.

Soak the pump or reservoir in vinegar. Let the vinegar operate for 20–30 minutes. The vinegar dissolves mineral deposits, making them easier to remove.

After soaking, scrape deposits with a gentle brush. Avoid harming surfaces by applying light pressure. Cover all the nooks and crevices in the buildup-heavy areas. Vinegar loosens and lifts mineral deposits, making them easier to clean away.

After cleaning, rinse the parts with clean water to remove any vinegar residue. This step is essential to guarantee your cat’s water fountain is odorless and flavorless.

This vinegar solution can remove mineral deposits and hard water stains from your water fountain, restoring its sparkle.

Rinse Thoroughly

After cleaning your cat water fountain with soap and vinegar, rinse it thoroughly. Rinse each part under running water to remove all soap residue and vinegar smell.

Rinse each part carefully, taking attention to all the crevices. Cleaning substances might hurt your cat if swallowed, therefore this step is essential.

To remove residue, gently scrub the components with your hands or a gentle brush while rinsing. To give your cat clean, safe water, keep the fountain clean.

After rinsing, check for odors and residues. Rinse again if any odors remain.

Rinsing the parts ensures your cat’s safety and provides clean water. Cats’ acute senses require a clean, odor-free environment.

Clean the Pump

It’s crucial to care for your cat’s water fountain pump. Pump maintenance should follow the manufacturer’s directions. Disassemble and clean the impeller and intake locations with these instructions.

Disconnect the pump from the power and carefully disassemble it. This lets you clean the impeller and intake.

Look at the fountain impeller, which circulates water. Check for blockages or obstructions. Gently clean delicate components.

Next, inspect the pump’s water intake sections. Check for trash, hair, or anything impeding the flow. Clean these areas with a little brush or toothbrush, removing any blockages.

After cleaning the impeller and intake, reassemble the pump per the manufacturer’s instructions. Before reconnecting the power, make sure all the parts are secure.

Dry and Reassemble

After rinsing, dry the parts. Pat each part dry with a clean towel or paper towel. To prevent mold and germs, parts must be dry.

After toweling out most of the water, let the components air-dry in a well-ventilated area. To prevent microbes from growing, all nooks and crannies must be dry.

Dry slowly. Reassembling the water fountain should be delayed until everything is dry. Remember, a thorough drying process keeps your cat’s water clean.

Reassemble the water fountain using the manufacturer’s directions after drying the parts. Make sure everything is aligned and secure. This will keep the fountain running and give your cat clean water.

You may give your cat clean, well-maintained water by drying the parts and reassembling the fountain. It helps your cat stay hydrated and healthy.


In conclusion, your cat’s health requires a clean drinking fountain. Maintaining a regular cleaning schedule, using safe cleaning chemicals, and prioritizing upkeep can guarantee your pet always has clean and healthy water. This improves their health, happiness, and life quality. Thus, always provide your cat with a clean water fountain. By doing so, you may rest assured that your cat is receiving the best care.

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