Chartreux Cat Breed: Discover the Charms and Considerations


The gentle nature of the Chartreux cat Breed, a native French breed, has made it a popular pet around the world and an unofficial mascot of France. The breed is easily recognizable by its distinctive solid blue-gray coat, slightly fuzzy texture, and brilliant copper eyes.

Yet, Chartreux’s rather small, fine-boned legs can make it look shorter than it actually is. It is reported that French Carthusian monks utilized Chartreux cats for pest management in their monasteries due to the cats’ efficacy as mousers. Chartreux is a hardy French shorthaired breed that has always been in high demand because of its impressive chasing ability and its thick, water-repellent fur. Being neither cobby nor classic, this breed’s substantial, solid physique has earned it the moniker of primitive. Despite their size, Chartreux is remarkably nimble and elegant.

History of Chartreux Cat Breed

The Carthusian order of monks from France’s Chartreuse Valley is comparable to Chartreux. Chartreux Cat Club U.K. says there’s no way to know if these French cats were monks’ companions. Chartreux’s monk-like stillness or soft grey cloaks may have inspired the resemblance. Despite their relationship with the Carthusian brothers, Chartreux has been documented since the 1700s. However, furriers valued these cats’ lush blue-gray coats as they patrolled French houses, stores, and stables for rats. This breed ran free in packs until the 1900s and started being presented in European breed shows around the 1930s.

Following World War Two, the wild Chartreux Cat Breed no longer roamed France in packs. Chartreux is still rare, but early 20th-century breeders saved it. Cat breeders worldwide noticed. Chartreux cats arrived in the US in 1970 with John and Helen Gamon. This allowed the breed to join the Cat Fanciers Association in 1987.

Now, Chartreux is a French national treasure. France loves the breed, which is rare outside of Europe. It’s hard to find a purebred kitten in the US because many breeding operations have sent their stock to France.

Chartreux Cat Breed
Source: Vetstreet

Physical Traits of Chartreux Cat Breed

There is a thin, flat plane in the center of the head betwixt the earlobes, and the head as a whole is broad and spherical. It’s easier to tell that a male’s head is wider at the jaw than at the temples if he has a wide cheekbone and jowl ratio. There is a slight arch above the eyes and the brow is set rather high in the profile. The nose lacks a natural curvature and is instead flat and long. While it is rather short in comparison to the rest of the head, the muzzle does not taper to a point. A thick beard and strong chin give off a positive attitude.

Among its most charming characteristics is its pair of bright, shiny eyes. Their size is large, their shape is rounded and open, they are very expressive, and the outer corner of their eyes points slightly upward. Their distance apart is average, and their color can be anything from amber to chestnut. Ears are noticeably big, perched prominently on the head, and taper to rounded tips. Big shoulders and a wide chest characterize this character’s stocky form. His muscles and bones are both thick and strong, despite his ordinary height and weight.

The neck is short and robust with pronounced muscle. Female cats are smaller, but they are nevertheless strong and muscular. The breed’s coat is very recognizable. A thick undercoat and a medium-to-short length give off the appearance of breaking. Any somewhat blue to grey tones are welcome. Paw pads are a rose-taupe color, the nose leather is slate grey, and the lips are blue.

Temperament Evaluation of Chartreux Cat Breed

These mild creatures embody both intelligence and friendliness. Chartreux cat Breed form strong bonds with their owners and are excellent companions for those who frequently travel. Chartreux is a mild-mannered cat that does not tend to show affection or playfulness in too demonstrative ways. There is no doubt that these cats adore their human companions, but they are also notoriously difficult to win over.

They prefer to observe a scenario from the sidelines for a while before jumping in. In spite of the certainty that Chartreux owners may occasionally need to give their pets some space, these dogs are typically quite receptive to hugs, pats, and games. Although they may seem shy at first, they are actually quite sociable and have a low tolerance for anger. They’re best kept inside, though they do appreciate a little time in the sun from time to time

The cats of Chartreux are known for their playful nature. Make careful to stock up on entertainment options if you just have one of these. The majority of felines have a preferred napping spot. Put some effort into making sure they have a cozy place to unwind, wherever that may be. Very quickly, these cats will respond to your voice and basic commands because of their remarkable intelligence.

Chartreux Cat Breed
Source: Daily Paws

Chartreux Cats’ General Health

Like humans, all cats have the potential to inherit health problems from their parents. There are likely health and genetic issues in any breed, and any breeder who says otherwise is either lying or ignorant about her breed. If a breeder does not guarantee the health of her kittens, claims that the breed is completely problem-free, or keeps her kittens separate from the rest of the family for safety concerns, you should run away as fast as you can.

Chartreux is robust in most respects, but he is predisposed to polycystic kidney disease and struvite stones in the urinary tract. One of the easiest things you can do for your Chartreux’s health is to maintain a healthy weight for him. Use your capacity for prevention to ensure your cat’s continued good health.


The playful nature of Chartreux cats persists into adulthood; some of these cats can even be trained to retrieve small objects in the same way a dog would. They have a kind demeanor and are great around kids and pets. They are friendly, affectionate, well-suited to travel, and in excellent health. Thus, having a Chartreux cat as a pet would be fantastic and adorable.

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What is the going rate for a Chartreux feline?

The average price for a healthy, trained Chartreux is $2,500.

Do Chartreux cats have a long lifespan?

A Chartreux can expect to live anywhere between 11 and 15 years on average.

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