British Shorthair Cats Full Colour Guide

British Shorthair is the epitome of a squishy soft toy. With their round appearance, soft thick fleeces, and big golden-colored eyes, they can easily win hearts! When we imagine a British Shorthair, the image that comes to mind is the fine blue-colored British Shorthair, a handsome kitty with solid blue-slate fur and amber eyes. With their long and silky fur, black nose, and tufts of hair on their front paws, the British shorthair is a curvy and powerful breed of cat.

These cats are not only charming but they are also incredibly loyal to their owners, making them one of the most loved cat breeds in the world. Their coats are actually available in a wide variety of colors and patterns.

British Shorthair

A lot of these have been formally honored by the colorful cat registries. Besides fully solid colorings, they are also available in an amalgamation of various colors that give them an unusual overall appearance. These cats are frequently beautiful and endearing in their own way.

In this composition, we’ll analyze the breed in general, before taking an in-depth look at all the gorgeous colors that a British Shorthair can manifest.

British Shorthairs are usually born with one or two different colors of eyes: gold and orange, blue or non-blue, and green or violet. Rarely they can also have rust and brown mixed together in their eyes. While every color is possible there are some requirements to be accepted in a show cat. Blue eyes need to be deep and bright orange eyes dominate the eye coloring with no flecks of any other color.

Solid Color British Shorthair

These cats look glossy and elegant. These fine colors could be purple, violet, or blue even. The increasingly rare ones are chocolate brown, cherry red, and cream. The peculiar and infrequent colors are fawn and cinnamon.

British Shorthair

Blue British Shorthair

British Shorthair Blue is a solid black cat with a medium to light grey undercoat. Found in British Shorthairs around the world, the blue ones often live well into their teens. They have thick coats of solid color ranging from light blue to deep blue-grey with or without white markings on the feet, legs, and muzzle.

Lavender British Shorthair

British Shorthair

Lavender British Shorthairs contain an amalgamation of pinkish, greyish, and blueish undertones on their fur. The fur on these cats is a mixture of variations from cold lilac to a rather warm salmon color. These cats contain a certain dilution gene that reduces the chocolate pigment in their fur so much so that it ends up looking lavender. The cat’s nose tips and paws end up blending with their fur color.

Black British Shorthair

British Shorthair

These kittens look almost whimsical with their jet-black coats but will reach maturity with a classic copper, gold, or orange eye color. This unique cat is perfect for owners with an aesthetic sense of style who want an individual cat that doesn’t look like every other black cat. The funny thing is that the noses and paws of these cats are also unusually black in color.

British Shorthair- White

British Shorthair

White-colored British Shorthair is an extremely rare color that was only seen in China, but then it was popularized in the rest of the world. They were bred specifically to resemble the mythical Chinese Dragon and they have a unique coloring pattern that includes blue eyes and silver tips on their whiskers and a double coat that can be platinum, silver, or gold colored.

British Shorthair

Reddish British Shorthair

The British Shorthair is a showy red-coated hybrid. The all-over coat color is not solid but has multiple shades of red ranging from orange to profuse, ruddy shades. The eyes of these cats are yellow and their “smile”, nose and paws have reddish hues.

Cream-coloured British Shorthair

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair color pattern is one of the most common types of domestic cats, which attracts people all over the world. They have a creamy, off-white/cream coat with red hairs. These beautiful cats are born with their distinctive coloring and it’s not easy to change it!

Chocolate British Shorthairs

British Shorthair

The British Shorthair color pattern is one of the most common types of domestic cats, which attracts people all over the world. These beautiful cats are born with their distinctive coloring and it’s not easy to change it! British shorthairs are great pets that provide loads of affection and companionship. The color of the coat in them usually varies in different shades of the color chocolate – from light milk chocolate to dark chocolate. Their coat tones are also referred to with fancier names such as chestnut. Their paws and noses also tend to have a chocolate tint, mixed with pink.

British Shorthair- Cinnamon

These cats are considered rather occasional. Much like its name, this British Shorthair breed is yet another incarnation of the diluted chocolate-colored one. They have a balmy, mild shade of chocolate mixed with a hint of reddish-brown and copper. Their eyes are orangish or golden in color. Additionally, those cats’ muzzles and paw pads will always be a shade of cinnamon or red. The muzzles and paws of this breed are pretty much always pink in color.

British Shorthair

British Shorthairs- Fawn

One of the most beautiful breeds of British Shorthair cats, a Fawn British Shorthair comes in various shades of red, gray, and white. The distinctive combination of soft yellow, rosy gray, and reddish tan fur gives a distinctly exotic look to this species.

British Shorthair- Tortoiseshell

British Shorthair

To create a true tortoiseshell-coloured British Shorthair cat, you need to get your kitten early and it needs to be in kittenhood for a few years. If you are not willing to wait that long you will end up with a British shorthair or two variety which has no tabby pattern on it, only solid-coloured coats so there is no chance of breeding this color again.

The picture above shows what you should look for in terms of markings – preferably with spots of white if possible. Again, the gene responsible for this color is linked to coitus so it is not possible to breed these cats together if one parent is a solid-colored kitty and the other parent is tabby.

British Shorthair

British Shorthair- Tabby

Color and marks in British Shorthair cats can be divided into three categories, namely mackerel tabby, classic tabby, or spotted tabby. Each variety of marks should be defined well and of opaque colors. Mackerel tabbies have no ear tips and lines running over their heads as well as their shoulders. Classic tabby cats have flat face spots such as the “M” mark on their foreheads which makes them look like frowning kitties. Spotted or mackerel tabby cat has lines running over its head and down its neck; these markings are scattered but large enough to clearly see.

Final Words

British Shorthair

All cats are beautiful and unique, but there are certain characteristics that can be noted in a particular cat. A light tan coat is sometimes linked to luck, while darker tans are said to bring financial prosperity. White cats often have folklore surrounding them and carry positive energy around with them. Black cats aren’t particularly lucky and aren’t rumored to bring bad luck.

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