Why Does My Cat Keep Crying? Discover the Reasons and Solutions


Cats, each with their distinct character, are interesting animals. They have a wide range of personalities, from loving and playful to loud and demanding attention. Many cat owners have to deal with their feline companions’ habit of excessive wailing and meowing. If this is out of character for your cat, it might be very alarming. Why does the cat keep crying? We’ll get to the bottom of that question here.

Reasons for Cat Crying Excessively

Cat keep crying
Source: Catster

1. Stress and Fear

Cats can cry out of distress, worry, or terror. Cats are especially prone to this behaviour when they are adapting to changes in their surroundings, such as a move, the introduction of a new pet, or a shift in routine. If your cat is also exhibiting other stress behaviours like hiding, losing its food, or becoming less active, it may be a sign that it is having trouble adjusting to the new environment.

Cats are creatures of habit, so any disruption to their routine might cause them distress. If your cat is crying because of anxiety and tension, try to give it a calm, relaxing place to go. Talking to your vet is another option for handling your cat’s anxiety and tension.

2. Loneliness

When cats become lonely or bored, they sometimes cry. Cats may be free spirits, but even they need mental and physical playthings to stay happy and healthy. Your cat may start meowing for attention if you leave it alone for long periods of time without providing it with any entertainment.

To prevent your cat from being bored and destructive, make sure it has enough cat furniture, like scratching posts and toys. Cats have a strong prey drive and enjoy the thrill of the chase. Cats often meow when they’re bored or lonely, but puzzle feeders and laser pointers can help keep them occupied and quiet. The benefits of increasing your cat’s interaction with you and playtime are numerous.

4. Pain

Even cats have the ability to express distress by meowing. There could be an underlying medical problem if your cat is weeping a lot and seems distressed. When a cat is in agony, it may only call out to you because they are so good at disguising it. The best thing to do is take your cat to the vet to find out what’s wrong.

A number of medical issues affect cats, and some of them are rather painful. There are a number of medical issues that might cause your cat to scream or meow excessively, including urinary tract infections, dental issues, and arthritis. To make sure your weeping cat gets the attention it needs, you should take it to the vet as quickly as possible if it’s in pain or distress.

5. Medical Conditions

Your cat’s excessive meowing could be a sign of medical trouble. It’s not uncommon for cats to cry a lot because they’re in pain or otherwise uncomfortable because of one of the many medical issues that can arise. Urinary tract infections, dental troubles, arthritis, and hyperthyroidism are among conditions commonly seen in cats that can lead to frequent weeping. A common medical problem in cats, urinary tract infections (UTIs) can produce distressing meowing.

UTIs in cats can cause painful symptoms including urination cries, increased urine frequency, and general discomfort. In addition to being in excruciating agony, dental issues like gum disease or tooth decay can lead cats to weep excessively. Cats can have excessive crying due to medical conditions like arthritis. Cats may find it challenging to move around painlessly if they suffer from arthritis, a debilitating disorder that affects the joints. Cats’ excessive meowing can also be a symptom of hyperthyroidism, a disorder that affects the thyroid gland.

Cat keep crying
Source: Reader’s Digest

When to be Concerned About a Weeping Cat?

Weeping followed by a discoloured discharge (yellow, green, or brown) may be an indication of infection. If your cat’s eyes are red or puffy, it could be a sign of illness that needs medical treatment. If your cat is weeping more often or more heavily than normal, it could be a symptom of a more serious condition. Observe your cat for any behavioural shifts, such as squinting, pawing at the eyes, or avoiding light, as these could indicate a medical issue.

Ways to Help a Crying Cat

  • A wet towel can gently clean your cat’s eye if dust or dirt is causing it to cry. Use warm water and avoid harsh chemicals to avoid eye irritation.
  • Prevent irritants: If your cat weeps due to an allergen or irritant, remove it. Switching cat litter, eliminating scented cleaning products, or removing specific plants may help.
  • Warm compresses alleviate inflammation and soothe your cat’s eyes. Hold a clean wet towel against your cat’s eye for a few minutes.
  • Employ eye drops or ointments: Your vet may offer eye drops or ointments for your cat’s weeping.
  • Spending more time and playing with your cat can also minimize its weeping.


To conclude, if your cat is constantly crying, you should investigate the source of its distress. When a cat starts crying, it’s important to figure out the cause. If dust or an allergen is to blame, you can do something about it. But, if the crying is the result of a more serious health problem, a trip to the vet is in order.

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